Ho Yu-Kuan's Household is Political spotlights household labor and links the conditions of housewives in Taiwan to that of other Asian countries to discuss families and females in Asia. The research project includes literature review and interviews with artists from Taiwan and beyond, exploring wider topics such as women’s rights, co-working, and daily life under the framework of household labor.
Household is Political studies related changes in policies and rights in Taiwan and Southeast Asia as well as Southeast Asian artists and art groups relevant to women conditions. He conducted interviews with six groups of artists: Bakudapan Food Study Group from Indonesia, Güneş Terkol from Turkey, Muslimah Collective from Thailand, and three groups of artists/ art groups from Taiwan - Chen Liang- Hsuan, Kuo Yu-Ping , and Walking Grass Agriculture. Ho also organized a panel discussion on Household Labor and Creatives with experts serving as panelists. He attempts to explore how housewife groups can galvanize their forces to subvert existing stereotypes toward housewives and considers the dialectics between research by curators and artworks by art creators.
Ho Yu-Kuan is an independent curator and art critic. He received his M.A. from the Institute of Art History and Art Criticism, National Tainan University of the Arts in 2013. He previously worked at the Absolute Space of the Arts while concurrently serving as a journalist for ARTCO Monthly. He later served as a project researcher at the Kuandu Museum of Fine Artsand curator for the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB).